EDS Homecare
Chesterfield Head Office Our services are available 7 days a week around the Peak District, Dronfield & Chesterfield 01246 410887

For many years we have offered care overnight. This service is one which offers family members, or main carers, regular respite in the week.

We understand how important the family unit is in care provision and how many relatives or friends make up a person’s joined-up care.

As well as offering rest and support for family members this service can be very popular for individual people who feel more comforted with someone familiar, being in the home with them overnight.

Overnight care routinely starts at 22:00 and finsihes at 07:00 when our ‘Everyday Care’ services commence.

We provide support with overnight care at home including, but not limited to, the following:

Sleeping Night: a carer arrives at 22:00 and uses a ‘waking hour’ until 23:00 to support the person to ready for bed. The carer then ‘sleeps’ from 23:00 - 06:30 in a spare room/area in the clients home. Note: during a sleeping night a carer can be woken once, but if woken more than once it automatically becomes a ‘waking night’.

Waking Night: a carer arrives at 22:00 and uses the full shift duration for active care services. This can include any of our ‘everyday care’ or our ‘domestic upkeep’ services during these hours.

It shall be dictated by the person if they wish our carer to simply be ‘on-hand’ to support actively with any needs during the night.

Or, if the person wishes the carer to undertake a list of duties (quietly) during the night.