EDS Homecare
Chesterfield Head Office Our services are available 7 days a week around the Peak District, Dronfield & Chesterfield 01246 410887

During our many years of providing care services at home, one of the most frequently requested services is that of domestic upkeep.

We are heavily focused on person-centred care and understand that your home, your parent’s home, or the home of a loved one is thier space, their haven, and maintaining the home in a state of satsifactory presentation to the person, along with ensuring it remains a safe environment to live, allows us to maximise the efficency, and ability of it as the place the person can continue to call home.

We suggest a couple of hours for these visits, but again, they are always tailored to the person and can be for many hours at a time.

Our domestic upkeep services include, but are not limited to, the following activities:

  • Daily Upkeep – daily tidying, bed making & changing
  • Shopping – creating lists with the person & their families (supporting appetite stimulation), going shopping with, or on behalf of the person
  • General Domestic Support – dusting, vacuuming, bin emptying
  • Key Area Upkeep – kitchen & bathroom cleaning including fridge cleans/maintenance
  • Pet Care – feeding, walking & taking to appointments
  • Linen Management – washing & drying of clothes & linens in the person’s home
  • Deep Cleans – a very thorough clean, undertaken by a minimum of 2 carers, to bring homes back into a healthy & happy condition